Medical Psychology

Date:2013-12-30 Source:国际学院

Objectives and Requirements:
Medical Psychology is an important fundamental course in the course system of medicine.  According to the objective of training, Medical Psychology will not only make the students realize the fundamental theory and basic knowledge of psychology related to health and illness, and understand health and illness as well as patients from both the angle of psychology and of biology, but also enable them to obey the rules of psychological behavior science voluntarily in all sorts of medical works they participate in henceforth, and serve the patients better.  For this, the teaching of Medical Psychology should make the students the significant fundamental theory and basic knowledge of this subject, be familiar with the basic method and skill of researching.  Besides, we'll give an appropriate amount of introduction to related new developments of importance, so that the students will know about the edge of this subject.  The training of scientific thinking as well as humanity spirit should be emphasized throughout the teaching process.
The content of theoretical teaching includes:
1. Prelude: The quality and area of researching, its branches and related subjects, its history of development and current status of researching, its influence in the transform of mode of medicine; the method of researching of medical psychology, etc.
2. Human Psychology: the foundation of psychological activity, the process of understanding and of emotion in psychological process, introduction of personality; tendency of personality; psychological characters of personality; self-awareness, etc.
3. Psychological Stress: source of stress, psychological behavior of stress, psychological defense mechanism, etc.
4. Psychological Evaluation: concept of psychological evaluation and tests, its objective & use, basic character of standardized psychological tests, Eysenck's personality questionnaire, etc.
5. Therapeutics of Depth Psychology and Behavior Therapy: content of the theory of depth psychology; therapy of depth psychology, content of the Behaviorist Theory; the method of behavior therapy, etc.
6. Psychosomatic Problems in Clinic: concept, range, diagnose, principles of prevention, etc. of  psychosomatic illness.
7. Abnormal Psychology & Vicious Behaviors: criterion of abnormal psychology; concept, character and classification of personality disorders, concept and classification Psychosexual disorders, etc.

Patient psychology & Doctor-Patient Relationship: character of patient psychology and treatment-seeking behavior, interpersonal communication in clinic medicine, psychological need of patients, etc.

Credit: 2