WTO: Rules and Regulations

Date:2013-12-30 Source:国际学院

Course Objectives: 

This course will answer three questions: What is the WTO? What are the impacts on China after its entry into the WTO? How should China’s domestic industries adapt themselves to the WTO? The first question deals with facts and explanations concerning the organization of the WTO as well as its agreements, which ensures a sound understanding of the WTO. The second question addresses opportunities for and challenges against China after its WTO accession. The third question is open for any reasonable suggestion and creative ideas. Besides, this course will also introduce fundamental theories of international trade and challenges against the WTO.

Course Requirements:

The course will be student oriented and conducted orally in English. Each lecture will begin with a presentation made by students, followed by class discussion and mini forums. Case study, multimedia materials and powerpoint presentation will be the dominant teaching methods. Students are expected to read before class reference books published either in Chinese or in English.

Course Contents : 


Chapter 1 International Trade Theories and Policies

1.1 Theory of Absolute and Comparative Advantage

1.2 Factor Endowments and H-O Model

1.3 Imperfect Competition, Economies of Scale and International Trade

1.4 Trade Policy Effects with Perfectly Competitive Markets

1.5 Evaluating the Controversy Between Free Trade and Protectionism


Chapter 2 An Introduction to the WTO

2.1 Historical Background

2.2 Why Should the GATT be Replaced by the WTO?

2.3 Objectives, Functions, Organization Structure of the WTO


Chapter 3 General Principles of the WTO

3.1 Trade without Discrimination----the Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) Treatment and National Treatment

3.2 Predictable and Growing Access to Markets

3.3 Transparence and Trade Policy Review Mechanism

3.4 Fair Competition

3.5 Encouraging Development and Economic Reform

3.6 Single Undertaking 


Chapter 4 Market Access (I)

4.1 Tariffs

4.2 Safeguards

4.3 Balance-of-Payments Provisions

4.4 Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)

4.5 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

4.6 Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs)


Chapter 5 Market Access (II)

5.1 Customs Valuation

5.2 Import Licensing

5.3 Rules of Origin

5.4 Preshipment Inspection

5.5 State Trading Enterprises


Chapter 6 Measures against Unfair Trade

6.1 Dumping and Anti-Dumping

6.2 Subsidies and Countervailing Measures


Chapter 7 Agreement on Specific Sectors

7.1 Agreement on Agriculture

7.2 Agreement on Textiles and Clothing


Chapter 8 Areas Other Than Goods

8.1 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

8.2 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)


Chapter 9 Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Dispute (DSU)

9.1 Introduction to Dispute Settlement in the WTO

9.2 Principles of Dispute Settlement

9.3 Procedures for Dispute Settlement Process


Chapter 10 Challenges against the WTO

10.1 The Winter of Multilateral Agreements

10.2 The Upsurge of Regional Economic Integration and Bilateral Free Trade Agreements

Credits: 2