2025年1月7日上午,印度尼西亚日惹穆罕默迪亚大学经济与商学院院长Prof Dr. Rizal Yaya一行5人来到暨南大学国际学院进行友好交流,双方就短期研学、交换生、科研合作等国际交流领域进行了探讨。国际学院副院长赖凯声教授、党委副书记宋京松、项目办公室主任李静雯、教研室万一方博士、教科办蒙晨与会交流。
交流会由李静雯主持,双方就各学院的教育特色、优势学科、学生培养模式等进行了简要介绍。Prof Dr. Rizal Yaya表示,他们在商业管理方面有着丰富的教学资源和实践经验,希望能与暨南大学国际学院在相关领域开展合作,实现资源共享、优势互补。赖凯声认为,两院在国际教育领域具有良好的合作基础和潜力。经探讨,双方初步达成共识,将稳步推动有关交流合作项目实施,为学生提供更多国际交流与学习的机会,并积极探索在学生联合培养方面的合作模式。
In the morning of January 7, 2025, a delegation of five led by Prof Dr. Rizal Yaya, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, visited the International School of Jinan University for a friendly exchange. The two parties discussed potential cooperation in the fields of student exchange and joint programs, faculty exchange and research projects. Prof. Lai Kaisheng, Vice Dean of the International School, Song Jingsong, Deputy Secretory of International School, Li Jingwen, Director of the Project Office, Dr. Wan Yifang from the Teaching and Research Office, and Meng Chen from the Academic Affairs Office participated in the exchange meeting.