
2018,新加坡南洋理工大学博士Ph.D. in Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University
2010,华中科技大学工业设计学士B.E. in Industrial Design, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2010,华中科技大学工商管理学士B.A. in Business Administration, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
本科:《社会科学研究方法》《媒体策略》《广告媒介研究》《Introduction to Internet Communication》(全英)
线上慕课MOOC:《Health Communication: Foundation and Applications》(全英)https://www.icourse163.org/course/JNU-1461814179
Li, L., Li, J*. (2021). An Investigation of Factors Influencing Chinese Young Women’s Intention for Mammography Screening. SAGE Open. [SSCI Q3, IF=1.356]
Li, J.*, Theng, Y.L. and Foo, S. (2020). Play Mode Effect of Exergames on Subthreshold Depression among Older Adults: A Randomized Pilot Trial. Frontiers in Psychology. [SSCI Q2, IF=2.990]
Li, J., Zheng, H*. (2020). Online Information Seeking and Disease Prevention Intent During COVID-19 Outbreak. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. [SSCI Q2, IF=4.128]
Li, J.*, Li, C., Chia, B. X., Chen, X., Pham, T. P., & Theng, Y. L. (2020). Exergaming as a Community Program for Older Adults: The Effects of Social Interaction and Competitive Information. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. [SSCI & SCI Q3, IF=1.961]
Li, L.*, Li, J. (2020). Factors affecting young Chinese women's intentions to uptake human papilloma virus vaccination: An extension of the theory of planned behavior model. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 16(12), 3123-3130. [SCI Q2, IF=3.452]
Zheng, H., Li, J.*, Salmon, C.T., Theng, Y.L. (2020). The effects of exergames on emotional well-being of older adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 110, 106383. [SSCI Q1, IF=6.829]
Li, J., Zheng, H*. (2020). Coverage of HPV-Related Information on Chinese Social Media: A Content Analysis of Articles in Zhihu. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 16(10) 2548-2554. [SCI Q2, IF=3.452]
Li, J.*, Erdt, M., Chen, L., Cao, Y., Lee, S.Q., and Theng, Y.L. (2018). The Social Effects of Exergames on Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Metric Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(6), e10486. [SCI Q1, IF=5.43]
Lee, S.Q.*, Sesagiri R., A., Li, J., Cao, Y., Witedwittayanusat K., Chen, L., and Theng, Y.L. (2018). Reasons for Primary Medication Non-Adherence: A Systematic Review and Metric Analysis. Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy. 24(8), 778-794. [SCI Q2, IF=2.903]
Li, J.*, Theng, Y.L., Foo, S., and Xu, X. (2017). Exergames vs. Traditional Exercise: Investigating the Influencing Mechanism of Platform Effect on Subthreshold Depression among Older Adults. Aging and Mental Health. 22(12), 1634-1641. [SCI & SSCI Q3, IF=3.658]
Li, J.*, Xu, X., Pham, T.P., Theng, Y.L., Katajapuu, N., and Luimula, M. (2017). Exergames Designed for Older Adults: A Pilot Evaluation on Psychosocial Well-Being. Games for Health Journal, 6(6), 371-378. [SSCI Q1, IF=3.204]
Xu, X.*, Li, J., Pham, T.P., Salmon, C.T., and Theng, Y.L. (2016). Improving Psychosocial Well-Being of Older Adults through Exergaming: The Moderation Effect of Intergenerational Communication and Age Cohorts. Games for Health Journal, 5(6), 389-397. [SSCI Q1, IF=3.204]
Li, J.*, Theng, Y.L., Cheong, W.L., Hoo, Y.F., and Ngo, M.D. (2016). Exergames for the corporate wellness program in Singapore: An investigation of employees’ acceptance via watching Kinect video. Digital Health, 2. [SSCI & SCI Q1, IF=3.495].
Li, J.*, Theng, Y.L. and Foo, S. (2016). Exergames for older adults with subthreshold depression: Does higher playfulness lead to better improvement in depression? Games for Health Journal, 5(3), 175-182. [SSCI Q1, IF=3.204]
Li, J.*, Theng, Y.L. and Foo, S. (2016). Effect of exergames on depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 19(1), 34-42. [SSCI Q1, IF=4.157]
Wu, Z., Li, J.*, and Theng, Y.L. (2015). Examining the influencing factors of exercise intention among older adults: A controlled study between exergame and traditional exercise. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(9), 521-527. [SSCI Q1, IF=4.157]
Li, J.*, Theng, Y.L. and Foo, S. (2015). Predictors of online health information seeking behavior: Changes between 2002 and 2012. Health Informatics Journal, 22(4), 804-814. [SCI Q2, IF=2.681]
Li, J.*, Theng, Y.L. and Foo, S. (2015). Does psychological resilience mediate the impact of social support on geriatric depression? An exploratory study among Chinese older adults in Singapore. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 14, 22-27. [SCI Q2, IF=3.543]
Li, J.*, Theng, Y.L. and Foo, S. (2014). Game-based digital interventions for depression therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(8), 519-527. [SSCI Q1, IF=4.157]
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新加坡卫生局Intermediate and Long Term Care Research Grant基金特邀评委