Pharmacy(4-year Undergraduate Program, Bachelor of Science)

Date:2019-10-31 Source:国际学院


This professional training program is designed to train the students from Hong Kong, Macao,Taiwan and overseas areas with basic knowledge, fundamental theories and skills in pharmacy science, good English communication skills, and cultivate or train the internationalized pharmaceutical professionals under the English environment in the fields of research and development, production, analysis, circulation, management, quality control of drugs, pharmaceutical care and so forth.

A1. Prepare the high quality pharmaceutical professionals capable of engaging in drug design, synthesis and bioactive screening.

A2. Prepare the high quality pharmaceutical professionals capable of engaging in the fundamental research of material basis for efficacy, development and application of natural product.

A3. Prepare the high quality pharmaceutical professionals capable of engaging in drug analysis, quality control, supervision and management. 

A4. Prepare the high quality pharmaceutical professionals capable of engaging in pharmaceutical preparations research and development, production and management.

A5. Prepare the high quality pharmaceutical professionals capable of engaging in pharmaceutical care in medical institutions and Community pharmacy.

A6. Prepare the high quality pharmaceutical professionals capable of engaging in new drug application, pharmaceutical administration, marketing and so forth.

Graduation requirements:

The principle of “laying a good foundation, strengthening practice and taking on character” is to be implemented for this program. By involving the students in theoretical teaching, experimental lessons, professional practice, graduation thesis and so forth, training them with systematic pharmacy basic knowledge and skills, they are expected to meet the following requirements: 

B1. Acquire proficiency in fundamental theories and methods of pharmacy basic sciences.

B2. Acquire proficiency in basic knowledge, theories and skills of pharmacy sciences such as pharmacochemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmaceutical analysis, natural medicinal chemistry, pharmacognosy, biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacy administration and so on, and receive training in experimental skills and scientific research methods of the above sciences.

B3. Acquire proficiency in literature search, data query and basic methods of obtaining relevant information by applying modern technology, and understand the latest development and forefront information of pharmacy and related disciplines.

B4..Understand the basic knowledge of clinical pharmacy and diagnosis and treatment of common diseases; initially have the ability of engaging in clinical rational drug use and clinical pharmacological research.

Core Disciplines:

Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biology, Basic Medicine

Major Courses:

Pharmacochemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Natural Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacy Administration

Practical Training:

The proportion of practice credit hour of this major is planned to reach 33.9 % of total hours.Program Length: 4 years

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Compulsory Courses

Optional Courses