Compiler Construction
CourseObjectives: make students deeply understand how a computer program is executed by a computer; what happen in the language translation or interpretation; what is syntax or semantics analysis. By compiler construction, we hope that students can write more efficient and effective programs and understand the computer science better.CourseRequirements:The course study should be organized in the way of lecturing as well as discussion by groups. And students need to attend class and finish homewo
- Machine Learning2020-12-02
- Discrete Mathematics II2020-12-02
- Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols2020-12-02
- Cloud computing2020-12-02
- Computer Graphics2014-01-17
- Web2.0 Technologies2014-01-17
- Topic of Computational Theory2014-01-17
- Computer Games Design2014-01-17
- Topics on Computer Security2014-01-17
- Computer Architecture2014-01-17
- Object-Oriented Methodology2014-01-17
- Internet Applications Development2014-01-17