A MBBS student of International School, recently published one research paper on Leukaemia in an International Journal

发布时间:2020-04-24 来源: 国际学院

Dattatreya Mukherjee, 4th year MBBS student of International School, recently published one research paper on Leukaemia in an International Journal and one paper on breast cancer is accepted for poster presentation in International Conference.

The research is based on B cell paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (pALL). These research was started in 2016. From 2016 to the march of 2019 total 52 patients were enrolled for this research according to the eligibility criteria.

I have joined this research in the January of 2019. That time I had a knowledge on ALL as I studied that in haematopathology. But minimal residual disease was completely new to me. So first one week I had only understood about the research. What happened from 2016 to 2019. Then next one month I have studied many research papers on the that topic. This research has been done very limited in the world and we have used 8 colour flow-cytometry (FCM) procedure instead of 4 colour flow cytometry procedure. And in eastern India we are the first team who are working on MRD in B cell paediatric ALL. So after learning and understanding the whole research, then I have learned the 8 colour FCM procedure in ROY AND TRIVEDI diagnostic centre. After that I took training on real time PCR under Dr. Jaydeep Mukherjee in Surakhsha Diagnostic Centre Kolkata.

(Dattatreya presented in Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

We had presented this paper in The International Stem Cell and Cancer Conference which was held in Amsterdam last year. In the same conference I had presented my another review paper on “KRAS inhibitor AMG 510”.  The whole research is divided into 2 parts. The first part is completed and this is the first scientific paper on the basis of first part of the research. The name of the research paper is “Significance of minimal residual disease detection by flow cytometry in Paediatric B cell ALL treatment in tertiary care centre in Eastern India” which is published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Science (IOSR-JDMS) with an impact factor 5.4.

 (Training Certificate on Real Time PCR)

In addition, my review article on recent PI3K inhibitors was accepted for the poster presentation by ICABEE-BIO 2020 organized by Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

These are my two research works which got published in 2020, apart from this I am working on mental health research, Human anatomy research, Ion Channel marker and therapeutic effect on neoplastic cell researches and Artificial Intelligent research. All those researches will also be published gradually within one and a half year.

Finally I want to thank my parents, my professors of Jinan University and Saraswati Online for this achievement.

文字  © Dattatreya Mukherjee

图片 ©  Dattatreya Mukherjee

编辑  © 殷博勤

责任编辑  © 余佳佳 尹秋颖