圣玛丽山大学Barry教授一行来访 中美文化的交流碰撞

文章来源:国际学院 发布时间:2018-05-27 点击数:530 字体:

2017年10月12日,圣玛丽山大学(Mount St. Mary’s University)Barry教授带领十名美国学生来访暨南大学。

On 12 October 2017, Professor Barry of Mount St. Mary's University led ten American students visited Jinan University.




随后领导老师、ICC志愿队(International Communication and Cooperation Volunteer Team)的志愿者与教授,随行学生相互认识,进行了简短的交流。

Before beginning, we give our warm welcome for our guests, then Professor Tang make a speech about JNU, and explain the difference  between Jinan University and University of Jinan in a funny way.

Then the leaders of international school, the volunteers and professors of the International Communication and Cooperation Volunteer Team, make acquaintance with each other.


进入学生演讲展示环节,学姐做了Life in China 的展示,讲述了今日中国的文化和社会变迁,期间讲到ofo自行车在中国的便利时,Barry教授风趣的补充道,华盛顿也有。让在座学生感到教授的亲切。

 Judy give a presentation about Life in China, which introduced Chinese tradition and change of society. When she said about ofo Bike sharing is so convenient in China, Pro. Barry said that, Washington have this too!

Barry教授与10位学生一起介绍了Life in America的主题展示,为我们解答了许多美国大学生活的问题。

Pro. Barry and his students talk a lot about College students of America.




Pro. Barry and his students try Chinese food with volunteers.After lunch, our volunteer led them walked through shipai campus.

 Mrs. Liu taught them what is Chinese calligraphy, then all of them tried to do their own piece pf work. 

Pro. Barry在宣纸上写上圣玛丽山大学由随行学生在其上用毛笔写下自己的英文名。活动结束,老师将自己现场创作的「夏荷」赠予教授,表达暨大与圣玛丽山大学的友谊。

Pro. Barry and his students had their sign on the rice paper by using brush pen.Mrs. Liu gave her work to Pro. Barry as a gift.



Professor of JNU make a speech of China Today. All the attendants went to canteen for lunch.Pro. Barry gave a presentation about Higher education of America after lunch.At the end of Professor Barry's lecture, ten American students brought us a lecture of English idioms and idioms.


最后附上Pro. Barry(Mike Barry,麦克·巴里教授)的作品。


Finally, Pro. Barry (Mike Barry, Professor Mike Bari) works Mount St. Mary’s University and JNU Friendship evergreen!

Chinese culture and American culture can crash out more sparks!

新闻稿 / Publicity Group of ICC

图片后期 / 王笑奕

